Self-Service login FAQ

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From time-to-time you may have problems within Self-Service.  This article contains answers to frequently asked questions about problems with logging into Self-Service, date-of-birth, etc.

Why can't I connect to the Self-Service site?

You may not be using the correct link. Have you checked the Self-Service link to see that you are trying to connect to the correct Self-Service site?

Where is my Self-Service account details email?

You may think that you have not received the email that contains the details of your Self-Service Account. This could be that given your email setup, it was directed to your Junk Email or Spam folders. Check to see if your Self-Service email has landed in there.


If you have not received your emails and have checked in your spam/junk folders, please contact your HR department.


Why does my password not work?

Sometimes, a space or 0 can accidentally be added to the front of the password or at the end when you type or copy it into the Password field of the Self-Service login page. Tip: Copy and paste the password into Notepad and then copy it from there before pasting it into the Self-Service login page. This removes any formatting issues.

Why is Self-Service not accepting my date of birth when I first attempt to log in? 

When you log into Self-Service for the very first time, as an extra security measure you are asked to enter your Date of Birth (DOB). If Self-Service doesn't accept your DOB, check with your HR Payroll department to ensure that your DOB is correct. Upon Self-Service setup, it may have been entered incorrectly.

What if I cannot access my welcome email and temporary password?

Password recovery can also be used before first login registration, so if you cannot access your welcome email and temporary password, you can still go to Self-Service, click the Forgotten Security Information? link on the Login page and then Password Recovery. You will be sent an email with a reset password link. The email will also contain the username, so you will have everything you need to get logged in. 
The following are possible reasons are why you have not received a reset password link:
  1. The combination of email address and date of birth isn’t unique.
  2. There isn't a person record for the combination of email address and date of birth.
  3. The person record isn't assigned to a web account.
  4. The web account isn’t enabled.
  5. The email address is shared by more than one person record, e.g. it’s a shared or group email address like
  6. The web account’s authentication type is AD or ADFS (SSO).
The following are possible reasons why you cannot use a reset password link:
  1. It has already been used.
     (Once used, a password reset link becomes invalid and cannot be used again.)
  2. It has expired.
     (Once expired, a password reset link becomes invalid and cannot be used.)
  3. It has been replaced by a new password reset link.
    (If a new password reset link is created, any previously created links, regardless of whether they are unused or unexpired, become invalid and cannot be used.)
  4. A link in an old email is used.
    (A new link, even if unused and unexpired, will become invalid.)


Do not use a reset link from an old email. When creating a new password reset link, always wait for the new email to arrive and only use the reset link from that email.



Clicking on a link that has already been used, has expired or has been replaced by a new link, will result in an error and will invalidate a newly create password reset link.

If password reset links are expiring immediately, it may be that your company is using email management/security software. e.g. Mimecast.  In the email management/security software:
  1. Ensure the password reset email is not grey listed.
  2. Ensure no form of URL protection or checking is applied to the password reset email.
    Note: In Mimecast, this can be achieved by adding appropriate bypass rules.


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