Self-Service Timesheets - manager tasks

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This article explains the managerial tasks within  Timesheet Management of the Cintra Self-Service Timesheet module. For more information about Timesheet Management, see Self-Service Timesheets - Manager overview.
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How do I approve a claim and submit it to payroll?

You must approve each Timesheet claim before Payroll  submits it for payment to the employee. You can approve the following:
Name Description

One or more claims through the current/historical claims list

Check the Approved checkbox at the "top" of the Status column.

  • This approves all the employee's claims at one time. 
    You can then go through and uncheck any claims you do not want to approve, as you may need to speak to the employee or reject the claim outright.
  • Once you have approved the claim(s) by selecting the desired checkboxes, you send it to Payroll for payment by clicking the Submit Timesheet button. The claim's status in the employee's mode changes to Pending.


    The Submit Timesheets button is activated when there are claims that require approval in the current/historical claims list.

Through a single employee claim

Open the desired unapproved claim and click the Approve button.
The claim is sent to Payroll and its status in the employee's view changes to Approved.

How do I decline a claim?

You can decline a claim by rejecting it. Once rejected, it  cannot be resubmitted for approval by the employee or  sent to Payroll for payment. A new claim must be created. 


If you are in a tiered approval structure, your  rejection takes priority over any of your subordinates.  You can reject the following:

Name Description

One or more claims through the current/historical claims list.

Check the Rejected checkbox in the Status column. This rejects all the employee's claims at one time. 
You can then go through and uncheck any claims you do not want to approve, as you may need to speak to the employee or approve the claim outright.

Through a single employee claim.

Open the desired unapproved or unrejected claim and click the Reject button. The claim is sent to Payroll for reference purposes and its status in the employee's mode changes to Rejected.

How do I create a claim on behalf of an employee?

You can add a claim on behalf of an employee whilst you are in the Timesheet Management mode.
The Timesheet claim is automatically approved by you when you create it. Other managers may still need to approve the claim if you have a shared post or use tiered approvals.


As a manager, you must have the employee's implicit approval when creating the claim.

To add a claim

  1.  Select the Period to which you wish to add the claim. 
  2. Select the Employee for whom you wish to create the claim.
  3. Click the Add Claim button. The claim's details form appears. 
  4. Fill in the form where necessary.
  5. Click the Accept button. The claim is added to the employee's current/historical claims list.

How do I delete an employee's request?

You cannot delete an employee's request. You can only  reject it.

How do I cancel an approved claim?

Once you approve a claim and send it to Payroll, you  cannot cancel it.

How do I update an employee's claim?

You can add a comment after you have approved the  claim, not update an employee's claim.

How do I assign cost codes to a claim?

Depending on your timesheet configuration, you may  need to assign cost codes to an employee's claim.

How do I add a comment?

You can add a comment to an employee's claim while it  is being approved or rejected for payment. You can add a  comment by the following methods:

To add a comment through the comment icon

  1. Select the desired claim.
  2. Approve or reject the claim. The ... icon appears in the row. 
  3. Click the ... icon. A Comment box appears.
  4. Enter the desired comment.
  5. Click the Accept button. The comment is saved to the claim.
  6. Re-open the claim . The comment appears in the Comment field.

To add a comment through the Approve or Reject buttons

  1. Open the desired submitted claim.
  2. Click either the Approve or Reject buttons. The comment box appears.
  3. Enter the comment. 
  4. Click the Accept button. The comment is now displayed in the Approval box.

How do I sort claims while in the managerial mode?

You can sort claims for a particular employee, by  selecting the desired employee from the Employee drop- down list and filtering their current/historical claims list by  PostDescription or Status.
  • To sort by ascending order: Click the desired heading once. 
  • To sort by descending order: Click the desired heading twice.
  • To return to original order: Click the desired heading a third time.

How do I search for a particular claim?

As an employee or manager, you can narrow down your  search for a particular claim by selecting the desired  description from the Post drop-down list and the filtering  the current/historical claims list by Post, Description or Status.
  • To sort by ascending order: Click the desired heading once. 
  • To sort by descending order: Click the desired heading twice. 
  • To return to original order: Click the desired heading a third time.

Who approves the claim if several managers are involved?

The system is configurable so that all managers or one  manager can approve a request. All managers must approve an employee's claim. Otherwise if one manager rejects it, the claim cannot be processed and must be created again. 


If all managers need to approve the claim, the claim’s status is set to Submitted until the final approval is made. For more information, contact your Cintra Self-Service Support team.

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