How do I review and approve an absence request?

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Depending on how your system is configured, once an employee has booked time off, Self-Service notifies you by email that the request needs to be approved.  Although you can approve/reject a request in ApprovalsCalendar or Team calendar, it is quicker to do so from Approvals.


If you can’t find the Self-Service email, check your Junk Mail, Trash folder etc to ensure that it has not ended up in there before you contact Support.

But if you create your own Absence Request or a request on behalf of an employee, it is automatically approved if you are the sole manager. Otherwise, the request must go through tiered approval. The submitted or cancelled requests that come through the Sickness & Absence module must be approved in order to keep track of an employee’s history of absences.  If you need to review a request before approving it, you can do so by opening it.


This module is configurable. For instance, the Approval functionality within the application can be turned on or off. For more information as to how you can configure your Sickness & Absence module, contact your Cintra Support team. 



Although you can approve/reject a request in Approvals, Calendar or Team calendar, it is quicker to do so from Approvals.


To review and approve an absence request

  1. Sign in to Self-Service
  2. Navigate to the Managing Sickness & Absence page, by clicking the Sickness Approvals menu option under Management.
  3. From the Employee drop down list, select the desired employee. Any associated Absence Requests appear. 
  4. Click the desired Absence Request in Approvals or click in a cell. The Absence Request form appears.
  5. Click the Approve button. The Confirm button appears.
  6. Click the Confirm button. The following changes have occurred.
      • The request record in the Approvals view has changed to Approved Booking.
      • The date in the employee's Calendar and Team calendar is now colour coded to reflect the status: Approved Booking.


        If you, the manager, create an absence request for yourself, the request is approved automatically. This is reflected in the Calendar and Team calendar views under Sickness & Absence.

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