How do I update an absence request?

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If you are looking to book an Absence that is not holiday related, you can do so through the Calendar or Team calendar views within Self-Service’s Sickness & Absence module. An Absence Request may be due to illness, maternity leave, paternity leave, or shared parental leave etc. If your system is set up for approvals, then the request must be reviewed or approved by your manager. 
You can update a request before and after you submit it for approval in Approvals. The process is the same for both except:
  1. When you update an Absence Request, the status in the Calendar and Team calendar remains as Booking Request. An email is sent to your manager to approve the request as normal. 
  2. When you update an approved booking request, the Approved Booking status reverts back to Booking Request and an email is sent to your manager to re-approve the request.
  3. When you update a rejected booking request, the Rejected Booking status reverts back to Booking Request and an email is sent to your manager to re-approve the request.


If you are the manager and created the booking, the update is approved automatically. Also, a warning appears in the Absence Request form if you did not enter a Return To Work date in the previous request, once you returned to work.


To update an absence request

  1. Sign in to Self-Service.
  2. Navigate to the Sickness & Absence page by clicking the Sickness & Absence menu option.
  3. Open the desired request. The Absence Request form appears with the Absence Type inactive.
  4. Update the request where necessary. The Date Requested and the request's Status is displayed.
  5. Click the Re-Submit button. The Confirm button appears.
  6. Click the Confirm button. The request is re-submitted to your manager for approval.


    You can make as many changes as you wish before submitting the request for approval.


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