How do I know who approves my absences?

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If you submitted an absence request and want to know who approves it, you can review your request approval structure through Cintra's Self-Service Sickness and Absence module. 

When submitted, the request can then be reviewed and approved by your manager or manager(s). Who approves your request depends on your company's tiered approval structure. Once the request is in the system, you can see its status in the Calendar and Team calendar for that month.


If you are the manager submitting the request on behalf of an employee, it is best practice that you have implicit approval from the employee to proceed. The request will then be approved automatically.


To see which manager are responsible for approving your request

  1. Sign in to Self-Service.
  2. Navigate to the Sickness & Absence page by clicking on the Sickness & Absence menu option. 
  3. Open either the Booking Request, Approved Request or Rejected Request, depending on the type of requests available.
  4. Find Show Request Information and clicking the x to expand the list. The manager(s) and approval details appear. 


A Booking Request will only show approval/rejection details once it is approved or rejected.


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