How do I print calendar information?

Have more questions? Submit a request

If you are looking to take annual leave, you can submit a holiday request to your manager through Cintra's Self-Service Holiday module. The request can then be reviewed and approved by your manager(s), which depends on your company's tiered approval structure. 

Once the request is in the system, you can see its status in the Calendar and Team calendar. For more information about who approves the request, see How Do I Know Who Approves My Holidays Requests?


If you are the manager submitting the request on behalf of an employee, it is best practice that you have implicit approval from the employee to proceed. The request will then be approved automatically.

If you prefer to have a paper copy of your calendar activities, you can print the Holiday Requests from Calendar and Team calendar.

To print the calendar information

  1. Sign into Self-Service.
  2. Navigate to the Holiday Bookings page by clicking on the Holiday menu option.
  3. Click the  download PDF button in either the Calendar view or Team calendar view.  A prompt appears at the bottom of the page in the left-hand corner. 
  4. Click the up arrow to open the file. The calendar is displayed in a printable format. 
  5. Click the Print icon. The Print window appears. 
  6. Configure the window where necessary. 
  7. Click the Print button. The calendar display is printed.


If you wish to save the PDF first and then open it, click the Download button and continue to follow its instructions until the PDF is opened.  


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