How do I set up deputies within Self-Service?

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You can create a Deputy in Self-Service if a manager needs to delegate tasks, such as approving holidays or needs to deputise all of their responsibilities for brief periods. In order for the Deputies functionality to work in Self-Service, you need to set up the Deputy role.


The Deputies functionality uses its own communication structure, which is automatically generated within Cintra iQ.

To set up deputies

  1. Login to Self-Service as Cintra.
  2. Ensure the Deputies roles are set up for the Manager
    1. Login to Self-Service as user.admin.
    2. Go to Self-Service: Menu panel> Users> User Admin> user.admin> Edit Roles.
    3. Select the desired role by clicking the Edit button. The Editing Role page appears for that user.
    4. Transfer the Deputies functions from the Available Functions pane, to the Functions in Role pane, by clicking each option. 
    5. Click the Apply button. You are returned to the Edit Role page.
    6. Click the Apply button. A message appears stating that the role is successfully updated.
  3. Continue to assign the Role to the desired user. 

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